Social Betting App

Social Betting App Rating: 9,5/10 3919 votes

Football betting becomes social! You can follow the best tipsters in the application, copy their bets and become yourself a reference point for the community.

  1. Social Betting App
  2. Social Betting Mobile App
  3. William Hill Sports Betting App
  4. Mybet Ghana
  5. Mybet Predictions
  6. Social Betting Application
  • The phrase “social betting” is an umbrella, referring to a wide variety of activities around a common theme. The idea behind social betting is simple – take the house and/or the bookmaker out of the equation and allow wagers head-to-head between real people. Social gambling apps are where social media and Web-based sports betting.
  • Tipya is one of the best social betting platforms. Find free betting tips, odds, and predictions. You can share betting odds with your friends and followers. Tipya is one of the best social sports betting apps which provide you free betting tips, odds, and predictions. You can share betting.

Sports, Politics, Personal or just for Fun

Get $20 in Contest Cash when you register

First social betting app

Social networking plus Betting what could more fun and exciting.

Players determine what bets to send and accept

Bet on any event or topic, real time or in the future with friends and peers.

Player to player or pool betting

Politics, Sports, personal, just for fun, multiple winners, you decide.

Enjoy bragging rights

Leaderboard and smack talk lets players enjoy the all important bragging rights.

How Does It Work?

Social Betting App

Register and validate your mobile number

You are now ready to send and receive both Player-to-Player and group bets

Once bet is completed in P2P bet either player can declare the outcome. In group bets the player who sent the bet declares winners

Buddies can send smack and banter for each bet, the leader board tracks wins and losses

Invite all your buddies and new registered players receive $20

You decide the bet, the amount, the odds, buddies to bet and when bet must be accepted by

If players don’t agree on out come our dispute flow kicks in

Register and validate your mobile number

nvite all your buddies and new registered players receive $20

You are now ready to send and receive both Player-to-Player and group bets

You decide the bet, the amount, the odds, buddies to bet and when bet must be accepted by

Once bet is completed in P2P bet either player can declare the outcome. In group bets the player who sent the bet declares winners

If players don’t agree on out come our dispute flow kicks in

Some Of The Best Features

BuddyBet = Social Networking + Betting

Social Betting App

Bet on event or Topic

Buddies determine the bet, who to bet with, amount and when to be accepted by.

Players Determine the Outcome

When contest finish players determine winners.

In Play Betting

Buddies can bet real time during event or outcomes in the future

Multiple Betting Options

Head to head and pool betting gives buddies multiple options.

Bragging Rights

Players can send and send banter and smack talk. Leader board tracks wins and losses.

Totally Legit

Social betting between friends is legal when no third party makes money on the bet.

Jeffery Robertson

BuddyBet User

With MyBuddyBet I can finally bet on local sports events with my buddies, where I determine the bet, the amount and which friends to bet with. While we primarily bet on sports, I can also bet socially with my family and co-workers on politics, works and other non sports events and outcome. Now when some one wants to bet I say bring it on.... The other real interesting feature we are using is the ability to sent bets 'In Play' realtime as they happen. This is super fun as you can send multiple bets as the event progresses. And lets not forget the all important bragging rights that goes with each win!

Frequently Asked Questions

BuddyBet Overview

MyBuddyBet is the first self-arbitrating social betting app that allows you to bet on any event, topic or outcome with friends, family or someone with similar interest. Bets can be made in seconds so you can wager real time as events unfold or out in the future determined by you. Bet on a goal, an outcome, event or activity, the possibilities are endless. In contrast betting against the ‘house’ which only allows you to bet on a limited set of outcomes that they have determined and with odds that favor the house and the house usually wins

MyBuddyBet leverages “in-play” betting to its advantage, encouraging groups of friends to place bets between each other on the outcomes of sports events which are in-progress. NudgeBet™ makes it possible to easily create, manage and settle “in-play” bets with friends and colleagues, whether watching TV, experiencing the game live, or out on the golf course. You can even donate your winnings to your favorite charity. So, what are you waiting for download the free mobile app now on your mobile device.

Is BuddyBet Legal in the US?

BuddyBet falls under a category that is known as “Social Betting,” where two people with similar knowledge are placing bets between themselves. This type of betting is considered legal in the US.

BuddyBet does not determine what the players bet on who or they bet against, nor are we responsible for pay-out. If players do not agree on the outcome, we ensure funds are returned to both players. Players use their funds to accept and send bets, and BuddyBet takes a monthly fee from each user for using our app.

The definition of social gambling will differ slightly but is generally considered as wagering amongst friends or with people that have a similar interest or affiliation. Participants must compete on equal terms, and no players can be considered a professional gambler. A $10 wager on the outcome of a golf game or televised sports game would constitute a social wager.

Example of Social Gambling as written in the Arizona Revised Statue:

“Social gambling means gambling that is not conducted as a business and that involves players who compete on equal terms with each other in a gamble if all of the following apply

No player receives, or becomes entitled to receive, any benefit, directly or indirectly, other than the player's winnings from the gamble.

No other person receives or becomes entitled to receive any benefit, directly or indirectly, from the gambling activity, including benefits of proprietorship, management or unequal advantage or odds in a series of gambles.”

How does social betting differ from odds betting?

  • The key difference with social betting is that it requires two or more people.
  • One player will send a bet, and another person needs to accept it. (no solo betting)
  • Players determine what to bet on, what amount, and with whom. (any event or topic)
  • Players can communicate with each other before, during, and after the contest.
  • Both players must have funds in their account prior to sending or accepting a bet.
  • BuddyBet does set limits on the size of bets and deposits a player can add to their account.
  • Funds are held until both parties agree on the outcome.
  • If parties can’t agree on a contest result, the bet is called a draw and funds returned to both players.
  • Sponsio Games does not make money on the bet outcome; we charge a monthly usage fee.

Social Betting: How it works?

After registration every player each player has $20 added to their account. Players can then invite players from there address book or send an text invite. Each player that you invite is added to your friends list. Once players are in your friends list you can send and accept bets with them.

BetFlow: To initiate a bet the first step a) is to determine the bet next is to b) select the person or in the case of pool bet, persons c) you select the amount of the contest and the date the contest must be accepted by d) you then have the option to set odds.

To send or accept a bet each player in the contest must have funds in your account, we will hold the funds until both parties agree on the outcome or a draw is declared.

Send & Accept a Contest:

  • Once a player-to-player (P2P) bet or contest is sent the player receiving the contest will get phone notification in the form of an SMS and in app notification. So, they are alerted a contest has arrived and who it was sent by.
  • The bet card will show who the bet is from, the amount, odds and accept by date and time.
  • It the accept time stamp expires the contest is closed and player who sent the bet will get a notification and have funds released back to their account balance.
  • Any contest can be cancelled any time prior to being accepted.
  • Player who received the bet or contest can counter by changing the amount, odds….
  • In a pool contest the player who initiate the contest determines the players, amount and accept time, but also determines the payout to the winners. Payout will be a % of funds held for contest such as 1st place 60%, 2nd place 30% and 3rd place 10%.
  • It is to note that each player can send banter and smack and other friends can see these bets and contest on the apps home page.

Contest Accepted:

  • When a bet or contest is accepted the player who sent the bet will get an alert noting that the player (2) has accepted the bet and game is on!
  • Each players bet card will now reflect the bet, funds to be release to winner and that either party may declare the outcome. In some cases, player may also set the date and time when a contest can be declared.

Contest Declaration (P2P)

  • When the bet or contest has finished either player in a (P2P) bet can declare they won or lost.
  • If they declare they won they will be asked to state the outcome of the bet, in some cases player may add a photo, URL or video. If they lose the player who won will be notified via a SMS they won and to collect funds.
  • Once player (1) states the won the bet, player (2) will get an in-app notification and SMS that player (1) has declared they won and to sign into app to agree on the outcome or dispute.
  • If player (2) agrees they lost, then the contest will be archived and player (1) account will be credited once they review the contest and select collect funds.

Contest Declaration on a Pool bet.

  • The player that set up the pool bet and the payout for the winners, will also determine the winners.
  • He will be ask which player finished 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th…. Once selected the app will send a SMS to all players in the bet/contest that the contest has been declared and to sign and check the results.
  • Each player in the contest bet card will list the winners and those that won will select collect funds and have winning added to their account.

Dispute Flows

  • While over 95% of contest will be mutually agreed upon their will, because of misunderstanding or interpretations, that with certain bets players will not be in agreement on the outcome.
  • In this case we provide multiple disputes flows in order to resolve these disputes.
  • If a player (1) declares the won and player (2) disputes he will be asked to to state why he won and to add any evidence in the form a picture, link, final score
  • Player (1) will receive a SMS that player (2) has disputed and to sign it to review the dispute.
  • Player (1) can then accept that outcome by declaring they agree and that they lost or they can provide their own information to counter the claim in the from or result, picture, link…
  • If player (1) still states, they are the winner and do not agree with player (2) stated outcome then the contest is declared a draw and funds are returned to each player account balance.
  • Other safeguards include a countdown where a player declares they won and player (2) does not reply. Player (1) can send a nudge which is a mobile SMS to the player they need to agree to outcome. If player (2) does not reply to the declaration or nudge, player (1) can initiate a countdown where they give player (2) a set time to reply by in days.
  • If player (2) does not reply the multiple mobile SMS’s, in app notifications and email if available, then player (1) will be declared winner.

Star Rating and Leaderboard

  • While MyBuddyBet is a social app where players know each other or have accepted and invitation from a player, we do track and provide a star rating for each player
  • This rating is based on contest accepted, contest sent and contest disputed.
  • Each player can see this rating data so they can decide if they want to send or accept a bet from a players.
  • But each player always has the ability not to accept a bet or contest from someone they believe is not playing fairly.
  • Each player can remove and or block a player. If blocked the player who was blocked will just get notification that the bet expired. If removed we will remove both players from each other friends list.
  • As mentioned there is a leader board where a player can see how much they have won or lost in total or with each player.

Are you looking for a social casino app to use? If so, we’ve got you covered. On this page, you’ll find a list of our selections for the best apps for playing on a social casino online. In addition, we’ve packed the guide with lots of other additional information you can use to learn more about these online apps and why you might choose to use one.

Do you want to work with the best of the best when it comes to social casino apps? If so, the chart below features those options. Our team analyzed all the available apps for social gambling online in the industry to see which of them were the top contenders. We’ve added a section later in this guide to walk you through our very detailed selection process utilized.

Up first, we wanted you to get a quick look at everything we’ll discuss. Below, you’ll find an account of all the sections included on this page, and you can skip ahead to any of them if you want to.

Don’t worry if you’re not ready to pick out social free casino apps just yet. For those of you seeking more information first, you’ll find lots of helpful details in the sections that follow. Later, you can come back to our list of suggestions when you’d like to explore them.

What Is a Social Casino?

If you’ve made it to this page, then you probably have some idea of what a social casino is. That said, we wanted to provide a quick explanation of what they offer for anyone who might not be clear on exactly what they are.

Social casinos operate very similar to games you’ll find on social media sites like Facebook. Instead of a significant focus on just winning real money, top social casino apps also add in a mix of different achievement levels and associated prizes. You’ll also find leaderboards showcasing the platform users currently performing the best overall.

In many cases, you’ll receive some free chips just by signing up for an online social casino app. You can then unlock more chips by doing specific actions or by making purchases within the app. Ultimately, you’ll use your chips to play games and move your way up the social casino ranks.

When it comes to real money, most social casino sites have a way for you to convert your virtual chips into cash. While it varies between apps, once you accumulate enough chips, you can either cash them out or continue to gather them to unlock new levels within the environment.

What might surprise you is the overall popularity of social casinos. In the chart below from Statista, you’ll find some of the estimated revenue from social casinos in the United States between the years of 2012 and 2015. As you can see, the year 2015 saw total revenue in excess of $1 million in 2015.

About Our Social Casino App Selection Process

Those of you who haven’t visited our website before might be wondering how we came up with our list of recommendations for the top social casino apps above. With that in mind, we wanted to provide you with some color as to why we’ve chosen these platforms as the best of the best. Check out the details below about the selection process we used when seeking to identify the top apps to use to play free casino games with friends.

Extensive Collection of Social Casino Games

If you’re a fan of playing social casino games, we want you to have a massive lineup of them to choose from. In turn, our team hunted for social casino apps with vast collections of games on their platform. Thanks to this, you’ll benefit from a diverse assortment of games.

Quality Social Casino Games

Having a ton of games is an excellent step towards having an excellent social casino app. However, that’s not all we were focused on in our search. We also wanted you to know you’d be playing some of the best social casino games in the industry if you choose to work with one of our suggested apps in the chart at the top of this page. As you explore our recommendations, you’ll see just how excellent their social casino games are.

Bonuses and Promotions

We also wanted you to have access to industry-leading bonuses and promotions while using a social casino app. Therefore, our team found platforms that provide some of the biggest and best promotions currently available. As you review our suggestions, you’ll see for yourself just how much bonus potential you’ll have at your fingertips. Head on over to our online gambling bonus page to learn more about online bonuses and promotions.

Safety and Trustworthiness

Unfortunately, not all social casino apps within the space are safe places for you to gamble online. For this reason, we investigated all of our suggestions to make sure we were confident you’d be working with a safe and trusted operation. After digging into their security measures and track record, we’re sure you’ll be protected if you use one of our recommended social gambling apps from the top of this page.

Excellent Customer Service

Another portion of our search criteria was on the quality of the customer service experience. We wanted to be sure you’d have quality customer support at all our recommended online social casino apps. With that in mind, we personally tested each one of them to ensure they provided industry-leading customer service.

Large Assortment of Banking Methods

Finally, something else that was a vital component of our search for top social casino apps revolved around the size of the banking options you’d have access to. Here, our goal was to ensure you’d have plentiful banking methods to select from when moving your money onto and off the online casino app. No matter if you’d like to use credit cards, cryptocurrencies, or bank transfers, you’ll have all kinds of choices if you choose to work with one of our suggestions above.

Understandably, some of you might be planning to search for social free casino apps on your own. If you’re headed that route, be sure to keep our search criteria in mind to help increase your chances of playing on a safe and quality app.

Types of Social Casino Apps

Social Betting Mobile App

Now that you’ve seen our top picks for the best social casino apps and the selection process we used to hand-select them, we wanted to walk you through your choices. In this section, you’ll learn about the different types of apps you can use to play on social casinos online.

William Hill Sports Betting App

Apple Social Casino Apps

Up first, one of the most popular types of social gambling apps are those who have been explicitly designed for use on Apple devices. No matter if you’re planning to use an iPad or iPhone, these are built to work perfectly on your device.

If you’re on the hunt for more of a traditional casino app for your iPhone, be sure not to miss out on the page link below. Here, you’ll get immediate access to our top picks for the best overall iPhone casino apps.

Android Social Casino Apps

There’s also an extensive collection of social casino apps for Android phone and tablet users. You’ll be able to access many of these from the Google Play Store or the casino’s primary website. By selecting an Android app, you’ll have the best overall experience from your device.

Much like with Apple, there are also some excellent Android casino apps out there. If you’re looking for a more traditional online casino app experience, check out the link below to see our suggested apps for your Android device.

Windows Social Casino Apps

Windows phone users, we’ve not forgotten about you. Luckily, there’s a handful of good social casino apps for folks using a Windows platform phone. We’d suggest selecting one of these if you want to ensure you have the most optimal social gambling online experience on your mobile Windows device.

Reasons to Use a Social Casino App

Mybet Ghana

For those of you who are new to the idea of free casino games apps, you might be wondering if they are something you should consider using or not. Below, we’ve spelled out the main reasons why we enjoy using these apps to play free casino games with friends. After checking these out, we’re pretty sure you’ll want to experience these benefits for yourself.

Convenient Social Gaming

One of the core benefits of using a social casino app is being able to conveniently enjoy the social aspects of the games themselves. What’s great is that you can play all your favorite games from the palm of your hand no matter where you are. All that’s required is a mobile device and a connection to the internet.

Real Money Social Casino Games

Another great reason to consider using social online casino apps is that you can play real money casino games on them. Instead of just playing games for fun, you’ll have the chance to win real money when playing the social casino games on our recommendations above. Casino games you can play for real money offered at these apps include:

Bonuses and Promotions

Finally, something else to keep in mind when choosing if a social casino app is right for you or not are the bonuses and promotions you can receive from top apps like our suggestions at the top of this page. With the best mobile platforms, you’ll find all kinds of chances to earn free chips, spins, bonus cash, and more.

Social Casino App Wrap Up

We hope this page was able to equip you with all the information you needed relating to social casino apps. Hopefully, you found one of our suggestions above to be the perfect fit for your unique needs if that was the primary goal of your visit to our website today.

Some of you reading this page may be looking to have more of a traditional casino experience, as opposed to a social one. If that’s the case for you, be sure to check out the page link below. Here, you’ll get access to our recommendations for the best online casino apps in the industry.

Mybet Predictions

Mobile Social Casino Apps FAQ

Lastly, we didn’t want to conclude this page without giving you access to some of the questions we hear most often about online social casino apps. If you still don’t have all the information you’re seeking, take a moment to look over the FAQs below.

Does It Cost Money to Download These Top Social Casino Apps?

Social Betting Application

No! All of the recommended social casino apps featured at the top of this guide are free for you to download.

Is It Safe to Use a Social Casino App?

It can be perfectly safe to gamble online with the use of a social casino app. However, what’s important to protect yourself is to make sure you’re working with a trustworthy operation. We’ve vetted all our suggestions to ensure you’ll be safe. If you choose to use another app for playing social casino games online, be sure to investigate it before signing up.

Can I Legally Use a Social Casino App?

Depending on where you live, it may be perfectly legal for you to use a social casino app. Because gambling laws around the world vary quite a bit, we’ve established an in-depth guide featuring the latest information for different countries. To learn more about the gambling laws which may impact you, check out the link below.

Do I Need to Download More Than One Social Casino App?

The choice is yours regarding how many social casino apps you’d like to download. In a perfect world, you’d find one that offers you everything you’re looking for in one place. However, you may decide to use more than one to receive more bonuses or find a greater diversity of social casino games.

Can I Use Social Online Casino Apps on My Tablet?

Absolutely! All our top social casino apps featured on this page offer full mobile compatibility. Thanks to this, you’ll be able to enjoy all your favorite social casino games using a smartphone or tablet. You can even mix and match between devices if you’d like.

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