Online Team Bingo

This bingo card has 35 words: Free!, Gotten a text or call after midnight, All students completed an assignment on time, Google Classroom won't load, Students can't access materials (operator error), Made a silly mistake in a post that ALL the students point out, Forgotten to take attendance, Made a video to avoid repeating yourself, No one showed up for virtual tutoring, Heard students say they need face to face instruction, Had a student ghost...again, Lost internet access while working, Screen froze during a video call, Tried to troubleshoot technology over the phone, Made a video or presentation that didn't save, Had trouble entering grades in Synergy, Gotten a group text or email that doesn't apply to you, Gotten a check-in message from Riina...and forget to respond, Lost access to Okta because your password expired, Made a file in Drive you can't find... ever again..., Endured long silly conversations on the Classroom Stream, Forgotten what you were doing because email distracted you, Worn pjs while working from home, Been in the car or on a walk while in a meeting, Forgotten about virtual meeting...until I got a text, Learned a new tech tool, Met a student at their home or work, Helped a student overcome a barrier, Talked to the same student every day for over a week, Realized you do not know what a student looks like, Had your pet join a video conference, Had your child join a video conference, Had a student's pet or child join a video conference, Seen something in a student's home you wish you hadn't and Let your car sit for so long the battery died.
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Hamilton 2019-2020 Virtual Online Meets Funquito! E-Learning Bingo 3T's (Teacher, Tech, Training) 4th - 8th
One of the best games you can play with remote teams is Online Team Building Bingo.
The reason Online Team Building Bingo is so popular with remote workers is that the game format is familiar and easy to get started with.
If you want to play then you can organize a game for your next virtual conference call or as a month long challenge for your team.
Either way, you should include some fun prizes at the end 🙂
- Online Team Building Bingo (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) One of the best starter online games for teams is Online Team Building Bingo. Bingo, a game played across retirement homes and summer camps everywhere, is familiar, fun, and works extremely well in the online format. Here is an Online Team Building Bingo board you can start with.
- Team Bingo Challenges make you work with your teammates to accomplish the challenges listed on your card (rap a nursery rhyme, spell team using all team members, sing out the song BINGO to your host). Trivia Bingo can be customized to your company or be pop culture fun questions.
- Team Bingo halls are completely non-smoking and include a full-service snackbar, ATMs and onsite security. Ever wonder what is a 'Full Set' or what to play to increase your chances of winning? Then check out our FAQ page. For information about any of our locations, session time or pricing, check out their page or call the hot line for non.
- Wheel and BINGO unite for a fun family game! Compete to win real money, just like the contestants on the show! Wheel of Fortune.
Here is a free remote work bingo template that you can use for the game:
The CM will let you know what team you’re playing for! LET THE GAMES BEGIN! » The number of points/yards your team will run is calculated by adding up the numbers on the bingo ball. Example: You’re on the Texans Team and you Bingo on BI15, your team scores 6 points (1+5=6). Numbers ending in zero will keep their value so B10 = 10 points.
The original source for this virtual Bingo board is Online Team Building Bingo by If you use the Remote Work Bingo template then you can share that link with the remote workers on your team to download it.
How to play Online Team Building Bingo
The rules of Online Team Building Bingo or Virtual Team Bingo are simple.

First, you need to sign up a roster of players.
Next, distribute the Virtual Team Bingo template to all players.
Third, announce the duration of the game, which could be a single conference call or a month long challenge.
Fourth, have all the players track progress by marking off boxes with an “x” as they identify team members that match the clues.

Finally, award prizes to players that complete rows!

You can have more than one winner, and when it comes to Online Team Building Bingo it is kind of the merrier.
Big Sea Team Bingo
Have fun!